COVID-19 Integrated CampaignTHE PROBLEM
The City of Johannesburg finds itself as one of the country’s COVID-19 hotspots; heading into festive season.
Develop and execute a full through-the-line, high impact campaign that is bold and grabs Joburgers attention around this serious issues.
To create awareness, educate and engage with citizens of, and visitors to, the COJ regarding issues around key COVID-19 protocols and COVID-19 stigmatization.
Squeezebacks, Radio, Social media campaign (various), digital takeovers, billboards. Paid Media: Google Adwords & Youtube videos. Full end-to-end execution from concept to media buying to reporting.
The Results
Total Reach
1. Joburg, this festive season, let us all demonstrate the spirit of Ubuntu by protecting the vulnerable among us from COVID-19. By behaving irresponsibly you could infect your loved ones. Always wear a mask, and wash or sanitise your hands frequently. Together, we can win the war against COVID-19. #JoburgCares. This message was brought to you by the City of Joburg. A world-class African City.
2. Joburg, we care about your health and safety. If you’re planning on leaving Joburg this festive season, please take extreme care as the second wave of Corona is upon us. Use a 70% alcohol-based sanitizer while traveling, wear a mask and wash your hands as often as you can. #JoburgCares. By being responsible, we can win the war against Covid-19. This message was brought to you by the City of Joburg. A world-class African City.